Monday, April 18, 2005

The FDA Recommends a Balanced Budget

I don't really want to go into the details, but it seems like, after two years, I finally make more than I pay out in bills. Now, Shawn doesn't need to get a job, I don't need a second job and we can start saving money.

I don't have to be rich, but I do have to feel like I have some freedom. I can't tell you how frightening it has been to know that, if we hadn't had some well-timed influxes of cash, I don't know what we would have done. Fortunately, supply and demand have met and seem to have a lot in common.

I can already feel the weight lifting off of my shoulders; that burden that has occupied more than its share of real estate in the territory of my brain that worries. We have everything we need, pretty much, so now we just need to maintain the monthly stuff and not take on any big projects or expenses. I highly recommend maintaining this kind of balance.



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