Guten Tag!
Reasons I'm An Ass...
- I watch horrible TV shows when I could be doing something constructive.
- I don't always speak up when I should.
- I pay bills late and get charged a fee, even when I have the money and no good reason why I can't pay them on time.
- I let myself get worked up about things of no consequence.
Here is evidence of assiness that is entirely my own:
- I wait until the last moment to get things done.
- I let certain minute personality quirks and bad fashion drive me to hatred.
- I never return my library books in on time.
- I've always got a zinger loaded and sometimes I pull the trigger before I think about the consequences
- I screen my calls.
- In order to alleviate my road rage, I've convinced myself that no one on the road is capable of courtesy and most don't know the rules. So, when they cut me off, I think things like, "Father, forgive them; they know not what they are doing." (By the way: this is a very effective tactic)
Others? Please add them to the comments...
And now, my girl, Dirty Tagged me with some Alphabet Soup:
A-Available or single? Neither
B-Best Friend? I have more than one! Don't make me choose!
C-Cake or pie? Cake
D-Drink of choice? Diet Coke or Riesling
E-Essential item I use every day...Computer
F-Favorite color? Blue
G-Gummy Bears or Gummy worms? Gummy Bears
H-Hometown? Canton, Ohio.
I-Indulgence...Golden Crisp Potato Chips.
J-January or February? January
K-Kids and names: Riley & Lucy
L-Life is incomplete without? I don't know...this question makes no sense. I suppose it's incomplete if you die before you do everything you want to. One thing I want to do before I die? See a live drag show.
M-Marriage date...October 25, 1997
N-Number of siblings...NONE!
O-Oranges or apples? Apples
P-Phobias or fears? Heights
Q-Favorite quote? "Be advised, I'm mean nasty and tired. I eat concertina wire and piss napalm and I could put a round through a flea's ass at 300 meters. So why don't you hump somebody else's leg, mutt-face, before I push yours in." Clint Eastwood in Heartbreak Ridge, a highly underrated film.
R-Reasons to smile...1. to offer a friendly visage to a stranger, 2. your kid says something sweet/cute/wonderful, 3. someone's taking a picture, 4. you just won the lottery, 5. to cover up for something
S-Season? Autumn.
T-Tag 3 or 4 people...Elizabeth, Genn6, Echo
U-Unknown fact about me...I love the movie Bring It On.
V-Vegetable you don't like...Green Beans.
W-Worst habit...procrastination.
Y-Your favorite food? Chiptole Tacos.
Z-Zodiac? Gemini
Labels: Tag
I'm an ass because I procrastinate and instead of putting away laundry, I'm on the internet right now...shame on me.
Thursday, December 21, 2006 4:04:00 PM
You came up with a few I forgot, like waiting til the last minute, screening calls, and premature trigger-pulling.
Thursday, December 21, 2006 5:17:00 PM
Okay, my post is up!
Thursday, December 21, 2006 11:13:00 PM
this is beautiful. So are you Flann...I love every answer!
oh goes.
Saturday, December 23, 2006 11:34:00 AM
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