Do You Like Me? (Circle Yes or No)
Megan tagged me; she wants to know about crushes I have had. It's always fun to mine this vein; it's rife with dashed hopes and lonlieness and plenty of opportunities for character building.
She didn't tell me how many I should talk about, so I'll go with a few from the middle school era. You know about one already. I think I can come up with three more.
Greg Burlingame. He was the strong, silent type. In the fifth grade, we played
a lot of quiet games of tether ball. He was really good at tether ball. I don't think we ever talked, but we lived the metaphor of wrapping a ball attached to a rope around a pole, only to undo it and repeat for the duration of each recess. It was very zen. We went to separate middle schools and I didn't see him for three years. When we rejoined in high school, I rarely ever saw him. I think he joined the vocational school taking up horticulture or auto mechanics. But occaisionally, we'd pass in the hall and I'd wonder if he remembered our tether ball days.
Tom Kelly. Tom was a cute little blonde who rode my bus. I was in lurve with him throughout the entirity of my middle school years. He reminded me of a young Johnny Carson (so hott!). However, he was not the least bit interested in me. At one time, I sent him a note, telling him I liked him. But Tom, ever the staunch diplomat, never responded one way or the other. So, I was left to dangle, wondering. I think, in retrospect, he must have been gay.
So there you have my crushes: Greg Burlingame, the man who taught me that silence was golden; Tom Kelly, a man who taught me that I could do better; and Terry Cross, who gave me my Achilles' heel and made dimples my kryptonite.
I tag Doc, a major hotty with dimples, curly blonde hair, blue eyes and the best ass I've ever seen. He also thinks I'm funny, which is more important to me in a partner than I'd like to admit.
3 Comments:'re in love...gotta love that! My husband thinks he is high on the humor scale...that in itself is funny :o)
Monday, December 11, 2006 11:56:00 AM
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006 12:32:00 AM
I had my own tetherball tootsie. We were in 3rd grade and his name was Dwayne.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006 12:34:00 AM
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