Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My Mind Is Blank...Thank God I Was Tagged!

My dear Elizabeth tagged me. She wants me to tell you all six things about me that are weird. I will oblige, but I'm not sure if they are weird or just quirky. My dictionary says weird means:

  1. uncanny; supernatural

  2. strange; incomprehnsible

  3. connected with fate, archaicly speaking

So, here goes...

1. While I have faked psychic abilities in my past, I sometimes do have flashes of insight into the future. For instance, recently a friend of mine was going to pick up her boss to go to a meeting. At the last minute her boss called to say that he would pick her up instead. I had quipped, though not to her, that his sudden change of heart about driving was caused by his desire to throw her out into traffic; they have a strained relationship. Later I found out that her boss missed the turn to drop her off and ended up stopping in the middle of a busy street (not at an intersection) and made her get out in the middle of traffic.

2. I can do a split, in fact, am compelled to do one and other acrobatic feats after 1.5 beers.

3. If I ever get lost, I can usually navigate myself to where I need to be by instinct.

4. I can narrate the thoughts of Elizabeth's cat: Fezzywig. Of course, they are the thoughts I presume he has. I can't read cat's thoughts, other than "feed me" and "pet me" and "leave me the fuck alone."

5. I can speak to large groups of people with confidence and authority on most topics, even those I know nothing about.

Edited to Add: Number 6: I can't count.

So, now I tag other weirdos: Big Orange and Echo.

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Blogger Doc said...

These aren't weird, these are just unusual and useful skills. Flashes of insight, internal compass, the splits, cat ad-lib. All interesting, all useful, but none are really weird.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007 10:10:00 AM

Blogger Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

Sigh. Maybe you could share something you find weird about me.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 10:41:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm... weird things about me... this could be dangerous-- some of my fellow teachers read my blog and there's things about me that I don't think they want to know: it'd be like wearing a tee-shirt to work that has big, 6" letters on it that say 'NOBODY KNOWS I'M GAY'. It could be fun and liberating, but it might also cost ya'. I'll give some thunk to this and get back to y'all...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 10:20:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait a second-- did Dirty say that Slim Jims were "meat gum"???

GOD that's gross! That even wigs ME out!! ::shudder::

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 10:20:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Flannery,

Please tell Elizabeth that would like a roasted turkey leg and a neck rub.

Your pal,


Tuesday, February 20, 2007 11:39:00 PM

Blogger gennifer6 said...

hey, silly, you only gave us 5! And I am soooo making you do the splits next time we are all together....

Wednesday, February 21, 2007 1:30:00 PM

Blogger gennifer6 said...

I just saw your comment on ECho's blog about your Gramma saying Britney was jealous of all the attention Anna Nicole is getting and had to intervene...that's an in-depth take on a topic that is not so in-depth to begin with that you might want to write about! ;) I am considering a post on the Tom Brady illegitimate child fiasco. Similar situation...non-essential newsstory raises some very serious topics.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007 1:40:00 PM


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