Thursday, March 08, 2007


He has comitted a mortal sin in the eyes of yours truly; he sang "Waiting for the World to Change," the great and terrible slacker anthem. As I listened to this "performance," my blood ran cold; my mild distaste for this poor, wispy little person turned to icy hatred. I won't quote the lyrics in their entirity, lest you fall over dead from the overdose of holier-than-thou apathy dripping from the insidious lips of John Mayer. Steel yourself, here they come:
me and all my friends
we're all misunderstood
they say we stand for nothing and
there's no way we ever could
now we see everything that's going wrong
with the world and those who lead it
we just feel like we don't have the means
to rise above and beat it
so we keep waiting
waiting on the world to change
we keep on waiting
waiting on the world to change
First of all, I must say, John Mayer is one passive-aggressive mutherfucker and has now replaced Mel Gibson as my new whipping boy. This song gives the youth of today an excuse for fiddling while Rome burns, in my opinion. After all, scorched earth is a changed world, right? And when everything is burned to the ground, these self-righteous do-nothings can say, "Hey, you never asked me what I thought; it ain't my fault." I also have issues with John Mayer driving me to use a phrase like "the youth of today," but more on him at a later date.
Secondly, the fact that Sanjaya sang this anthem to shrugging to his teeming hordes of tween speed-dialers, makes me crazy (you can't blame his success on the Vote for the Worst people either; their pick is Sundance Head). It is an obvious ploy to appeal to the young, priviledged girls of America, who are his base and can afford the "standard text messaging rates," and whose lithe manicured fingers never tire of dialing. By coupling his wispy swarthiness with pretend depth and angst, he doubles his exoticism by making him seem both worldly and world-weary, kryptonite to his voting bloc.
When I watched him sing this, I wanted to gnash my teeth, scratch at my face and raise my fists to the gods and shriek for vengeance, Elektra style. I knew this performance would guarantee him a final twelve spot. After I counted to what I could remember of 1-10, I returned to my senses; there are still plenty of other guys who can be sacrificed in the contest before Sanjaya. As long as Blake and Chris R. are safe, I will stay my righteous anger. Instead, I profer forth this plea to the privilidged parents of preteens everywhere:
Fathers be stern with your daughters;
Daughters will vote for this tool, yeah.
Girls become fans who turn dorks into stars,
So mothers be stern with your daughters, too.
Boys you can bet,
They aren't interested in this shit.
Boys will ignore, and boys will move on,
But boys will be doomed if they don't vote
For Melinda's good, good voice.

On behalf of every fan, searching for a real winner,
You are in charge! Cut off her cell phone.
On behalf of every fan who needs real talent to win,
You are the hope, and can put an end to this cornpone.

Fathers be stern with your daughters,
Daughters will vote for this tool, yeah.
Girls become fans who turn dorks into stars,
So mothers be stern with your daughters, too.
So mothers be stern with your daughters, too.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was beautiful, Flannery.

Thursday, March 08, 2007 5:35:00 PM

Blogger don'tneedtoknow said...

You'll sing that me next time we get together, won't you?

As you know, I predicted that Sanjaya will make the top 12. You shouldn't worry though, he won't stick around for long. Once the girls and guys are brought together, the guys are going to drop off like flies.

Thursday, March 08, 2007 7:44:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is this turd? I mean, what's with the HAT? Was he singing "Billy Jean is not my love-ah ::ooh!:: she's jussa' girl who says that I am the one ::ooooh, ooooh::"

Thursday, March 08, 2007 9:36:00 PM

Blogger Dale said...

You just want his hat. And now look what you've done!!! He moves on!

Thursday, March 08, 2007 10:48:00 PM

Blogger Phil said...

I don't watch much of the 'Idol,' but when I do, I'm always impressed that they haven't backslid into the worst it could be. I'm glad they don't lock these contestants in a house and film the catfights. I think it's sincere when they support each others. I like that.

Thursday, March 08, 2007 11:15:00 PM

Blogger Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

Amy, Thanks!

Elizabeth, Sure! I'm not worried about Sanjaya staying or going. I just hate that fucking song.

Big Orange, I knew you'd ask me that.

Dale, I love his hat, just not on him. And I'm glad he didn't get kicked off last night. Now I won't have to hear him sing that fucking song again.

Phil, AI does keep some of its dignity. I'm really pleased that they will be focusing their large audience on poverty this year and donating a bunch of money to poor African kids and Katrina victims.

Friday, March 09, 2007 8:38:00 AM

Blogger gennifer6 said...

gosh, I almost feel bad for the kid. Maybe you need more closure on the Gibson thing???

Friday, March 09, 2007 11:45:00 PM


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