Dog Days of August

It's the first weekend of August and it's time once again for the Pro Football Hall of Fame festival, parade, and game. It's the beginning of football season and the harbinger of autumn and it hall happens practically in my back yard.
What's fun about it is that it's the one time of the year that celebrities and derelicts alike gather around in the sunshine to celebrate the game that was invented here. I think I saw some retired pros today at Denny's where Elizabeth, the girls, and I went for a pick-me-up lunch. There were also plenty of derelicts as well. Of course, my camera only has eyes for the derelicts. See below:

Yes, that's a skin tight, sheer cap sleeved tee. With the back cut out. I know. Derelict, right? Oh, and they are Steeler's fans too, which is a bigger tip-off than the tee.

But it takes one to know one. Afterall, I took her picture. And my daughter, getting it honest, added to the derelict mystique by spearing her chicken tender on her straw and chomping on it like a crow after carrion. Sigh. We are so proud.
Edited to add: We had a good time at Denny's dispite the fact that they shorted us about 3 chicken tenders. They comped us a free order of tenders and then proceeded to double-charge me for our meal on my bank card, as I discovered just this morning. Grr...
Labels: A Day In The Life Of Flannery, Elizabeth, Fashion
I am very proud!
Monday, August 06, 2007 2:26:00 AM
Hmmm... "derelict". I like that better than "hillbilly" or "redneck" or "bum". It's harsher, nastier. Kinda like the looks we got th' other day at a place I shan't name until I give it another chance.
As for th' kid and th' chicken-- if ya' ain't got no pointed stick to nosh yer grub off'a, a straw will just have to dooo!!
Monday, August 06, 2007 6:59:00 AM
ahh, the Dog Days. I love wiki.
Monday, August 06, 2007 7:02:00 AM
This is a side of Canton you neglected to show me.
Monday, August 06, 2007 8:16:00 AM
Chris, you need to visit during Hall of Fame weekend...or the local Denny's.
BO, too true.
Doc, I knew you would be!
Monday, August 06, 2007 9:10:00 AM
Denny's is it's own little microcosm of society, isn't it?
Personnely, I prefer the "after the bars have closed" crowd. They struck out on a sex partner and are lookin for the next best thing - the grand slam breakfast!!
Monday, August 06, 2007 11:29:00 AM
At Denny's I would stick to the Patty Melt - or isn't that also the birthplace of the rooty tooty fresh 'n fruity? I may have that mixed up with another chain.
Monday, August 06, 2007 11:51:00 AM
sounds liek a fine weekend!! I'm sorry, I guess I'm still not getting the concept of a "capped" tee-shirt, but from what I can tell, yeah, it looks like something a derelict would wear, which is probably why poor Elizabeth is hiding hre face, there must be a look of disdain there.
Monday, August 06, 2007 12:06:00 PM
My son likes looking at pictures of your daughters on here, but I don't think I can show him this one.
Monday, August 06, 2007 1:40:00 PM
Never mind the trashy t-shirt, what is up with those SHORTS???
Monday, August 06, 2007 1:57:00 PM
Oh, they're hideous too, but sadly, not uncommon where I live.
Monday, August 06, 2007 2:01:00 PM
A straw! That's brilliant. [Son #2] oft forgoes the use of his hands all together, and eats like a dog. He just shoves his face into his food and munches away.
Monday, August 06, 2007 4:09:00 PM
I am going to open a Chicken-Finger-on-a-Crazy-Straw franchise. We may be more expensive than Hot-Dog-on-a-Stick, but you get a free crazy straw every time! That plus the health care for our employees will drive up prices. But mostly the crazy straws.
Monday, August 06, 2007 7:41:00 PM
Maybe they ran out of straws so they couldn't serve the rest of the tenders.
Monday, August 06, 2007 11:04:00 PM
I'm gonna do that next time I'm at Denny's. Totally.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007 1:08:00 AM
That is a seriously bad shirt. I second Vikki on the shorts, and I think that woman might also be wearing. . .*shudder*. . .CROCS.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007 11:56:00 AM
Does Denny's still have Moons over My Hammy?
I'd love to be the guy that develops names for stuff on their menu.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007 5:56:00 PM
Thank you for letting everyone know that I'm not a derelict and for calling me lovely. I hope your credit card company is straightening everything out.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:45:00 PM
I was on your side until you made that Steelers dig. I'm not gonna have to unleash my inner derelict on you, am I?
Grant's comment makes me want to wretch. I had the Moons over My Hammy ONCE. I didn't think the vomit would ever stop flowing.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007 12:56:00 AM
I could go on about Pittsburgh Steelers fans...but I won't out of respect for you Becky.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007 4:17:00 PM
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