Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Kids Say The Darndest Things...

The other night, my daughter Riley and I were watching TV. She got up and said, "Let's turn off the TV."

"Okay," I said.

"So," Riley said, settling down on the couch, "Tell me about your childhood."

I fought to manage my facial expressions; Riley does not like being laughed at for being cute. She wants to be taken seriously. She's four, for God's sake.

"Well," I replied, "I spent a lot of time during the summers at Clearwater Park; my uncle camped there over the summers and I hung out with him and my cousins, while my mom and dad worked during the day."

"I already know that," she said, exasperated.

"Sorry, but it was a significant part of my childhood. Why don't you tell me about your childhood?" I put the ball back in her court.

"Mom," she tweened at me, "I'm still in my childhood."

My goodness! That's a very interesting thing for a pre-schooler to say. I continued my questioning...

"Well, then, what has been your favorite part of childhood so far?"

"Um," she thought, "I really like going to Clearwater too."

The other night, Madame E and the Big E were over. We had put the kids to bed and were hanging out in the living room. We worried that we might be talking too loudly and wake the children. Well, speak of the devil: we heard this chant from Lucy:
"I wanna watch television!...Momma...Daddy...I wanna watch television!"
Not TV. Television.
Eventually she calmed down and we made our way to the Lodge, where we could talk and not wake the kids.


Blogger dirty said...

Wow...your daughter makes my kids seem like cave people...even my 7 year old!

How cute!

Friday, August 25, 2006 8:52:00 AM

Blogger Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

Dirty, Some days, I'd prefer cave people, to my precocious little darlings. When Riley was about a year old, someone got her a classical music CD which claimed to improve intelligence.

"You're smart enough," I told her. I never cracked open that CD.

I've known I'm in trouble with these two for ages, BO. Hopefully, this means they'll be able to support me in my old age.

Friday, August 25, 2006 8:58:00 AM

Blogger dirty said...

Well that solves the classical music theory for me. My youngest drifted to sleep to that every night as an infant...um yeah.

They all end up turning out okay in the end. I'm hoping for my boys to go pro in some sport and get rich and my daughter to make it on Broadway...I can only dream...

Friday, August 25, 2006 9:47:00 AM


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