Monday, November 27, 2006

I'm Worried About Big Orange

I'm back at work after a very busy five days off. I didn't finish my novel, but I did add five pages (I'm up to 25 now). The whole time off, we've had unseasonably warm weather. Yesterday, there was a high of 62 degrees! I hung my outdoor Christmas lights without wearing a jacket or gloves. The kids played outside with the neighbors kids for hours. It was very strange, though. When the sun set at 5:00 p.m. it seemed way too early. It had been so warm, I forgot it was November.

Even though I had a lovely five days off, there were some times in there when it wasn't all sunshine and butterfiles. Saturday, I woke up pissed off at the world. It's strange, I knew I was wound up and ready to let the next person have it but there was nothing I could do about it. I tried to keep my cool, but my usual reserves were gone.

Somehow, I managed to get the kids showered, dressed, and in the car by eleven o'clock, without too many tears. We stopped for donuts and then headed to my parent's house, where my Mom, Grandma and I were going to do our Christmas cards. Thank God my parents live only 10 minutes away. I don't know how I would have made it through the day without them there to help me out when I was feeling so angry and depressed for no good damn reason.

I can only imagine what it's been like for Big Orange these days. He's not getting any sleep. He's cranky about his job and money situation. And he's out of anti-depressants. He's also questioning/blaming God for a lot of things here recently. Sadly, his parents have passed away and his in-laws are up here by me. He and his Good Wife are on their own.

He and I speak fairly regularly, usually more than once a day. I couldn't get a hold of him yesterday evening and I would have liked to have had a chance to talk to him, if only to get him laughing. I know he loves comments. If you feel moved to make his day today, please take a few minutes and comment on his blogs. I know if we could send a bunch of love or at least smart ass remarks his way, we might just put a spring back in his step. I'm sure he'd prefer a couple of pints of stout, but in the meantime, comments will do.



Blogger don'tneedtoknow said...

Good work Flan! We can always count on you to rally the troups!

Re: Christmas cards
I was feeling cranky and had no desire to do cards this year. You've inspired me again. I bought a pack of cards yesterday.

Monday, November 27, 2006 2:03:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Done and done. :-)

And way to go on the Christmas cards! I still have last year's in their box in my bottom desk drawer. Maybe this year. . .

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 8:42:00 PM


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