Survivor Cook Islands: The Best Season Ever
For the first time since I've been watching Survivor (since Season 3 Survivor Africa), I have been entirely satisfied with the way events are unfolding. If you haven't been watching, I sincerly pity you the absence of this fine experience in your life. If you'd like to catch up (there's still time with seven Survivors left), you can read the recaps of this delicious season at one of the best resources out there: Television Without Pity. If you have been watching: call me; we have a lot to discuss.
However, if you don't have the time to plow through the recaps (you should make the time, really; there is no excuse), I will hit the highlights of the season:
- Tribes were divided by race, causing much discomfort for all involved (discomfort for the Survivors=fun for the viewer)
- The racial divide was abandoned in the third episode, yet there were some bonds remaining based on race, in particular: "team whitey"
- Exile Island has been used very effectively this time around
- The person who found the Hidden Immunity Idol (Yul, pictured above) is actually using it to change the game.
- The smart and hard-working people have the lazy, annoying people on the run, even after they smart ones were at a formidible disadvanatage numbers-wise at the merge
- Jeff Probst is totally on his game, dispite his famously bad taste in hats
- Tribal Councils have been full of vitriol and name-calling
- The canoodlers have been split up and shall not control the game ala Boston Rob and Amber
- Each episode has made me look forward to the next one
But the best part of this season is Yul. He is supersmart, kind of dorky and knows how the hell to influence people. He is a master at lining people up and pointing them in a direction that they all believe they will benefit from. He knows that, in order to be successful in this game, you need to align with people whose behavior is predictable and upon whom he can rely not to get a wild hair up the ass and do something crazy. He also checks and rechecks his strategy and makes adjustments on the run. His spectacular gameplay has been a joy to watch.
God, I love this show!
Friday, December 01, 2006 3:14:00 PM
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