Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
My DVR Doesn't Want Me to Watch American Idol

Labels: TV
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Man, I'm Glad I'm Done With School!
Every now and then I think back to times when I was in school...elementary, secondary, college, graduate school. And I am overcome with relief and pleasure that I'm not there. Don't get me wrong, I loved being in school. But I love even more being able to do what I need to do rather than learning about and preparing to be able to do what I need to do.
Also? No homework. Granted, there's still housework, but I'm not sitting up late, back aching and eyes burning, and writing a paper about something I have a moderate interest in. When I sit down to play Shopmania!, I do experience a twinge of guilt and think: Shouldn't I be doing something better with my time? Possibly, but I'm not required to be doing anything else. No deadlines. No required reading. My mental real estate is all my own. And then I feel glee.
When I stay up late to watch an episode of Mythbusters with my night owl, Lucy, I don't have to worry whether I studied enough for my test. My life is rather free of demands, other than the usual ones that come with being part of a family and a work place and those demands are ones I chose to sign up for. I guess this is what it feels like to have paid your dues.
As we apporoach our third summer in our current house, I think back to the time right before we moved in and my life began to change. It was a time when I took my destiny in my own hands and began to urge that river to change it's course. It was hard. It took a lot of time. I moved back to my hometown and spent over 3 hours a day commuting for year. Then my dreams came true and I was laid off. Less than a week later, I had a job that was nearly perfect for me and had me surrounded by a great group of people. It was also 9 miles from my house.
As a result, the anxiety in my life has dropped significantly. I'm coasting along watching time fly. I wonder if I'm not living up to my potential, though. But I'm comforted in the fact that I rarely ever have so why should I start now? I believe I could write a good novel. I'm pretty sure I could drive my way up some corporate ladder. But I just made Super Quota on Level 3.5 and the boss man is upping the ante...I think I'll play one more round...
Monday, March 23, 2009
What's In It For God?
Really, I mean since He's all-knowing and all-powerful, why should he care about us? He knows how it's all going to end, right? There's no real mystery for Him. What is in it for Him? What keeps him tuning in from week to week? If you believe in predestination, we all have a plotline, story arc, and motivations that are obvious to Him. Is he some sort of divine Norma Desmond, spending time watching reel after reel of the Rube Goldberg machine He built and tapped into motion?
I'm not posing this question because I'm feeling bitter or anything. I've never really had the expectation that He would reach into my life and directly influence it in any way. I don't expect Him to see to parts in the machine that, in my opionion, should be adjusted 10 degrees to the left or should have their torque increased. I also don't blame Him when important pieces (to me) appear to fall off the table or break.
But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Whenever I see a Rube Goldberg machine in action, I can't take my eyes off of it either. Especially when I see (or do) the work that goes on behind the scenes to set it up. It's really impressive. Once it finally works, it's remarkable to behold and it's also important not to interfere with it.
So that begs the next question: Why build the machine in the first place? Did He just need some toast?
Labels: God
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Crazy Eight Besties!

Labels: Metablogging
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Riley the Bureaucrat, Level 6
I told you about Riley and her contracts, right? It was very cute and it made me very proud that she has the imagination to apply contracts to play time. She's also applied agendas to playdates. It's enough to make my bureaucratic heart burst with three-part forms requisitioning my pride in measured amounts.
Well, there has been a new development in Riley red-tapery.
My parents have a fabulous walk in closet, the back corner of which Riley has staked out as her secret hideout. Last week, when I arrived at my Mom's house to pick up the girls after work, Riley presented me with a "Security Pass."
"Yours is level SOLL," she informed me, "It's not as high as Grandma's, which is level DOLL, but it is higher than Lucy's, which is BOLL."
"What do I have access to with this, then?" I asked.
"It's for my secret hideout. The higher the security, the more you're allowed to see when you come visit me. Don't forget to bring your security pass!" She explained then took off running to her hideout.
I looked at my pass that had SOLL written on it among other things. I'd tell you more about it, but I don't know what your security level is, so I'd better not say. I might get fined. I took my pass back to the secret hideout and handed it to Riley. She opened up the little cherry wood lap desk and place the security pass inside it.
"By the way, you've been upgraded," she said. "You can now see more things when you visit like my calendar and my dolls."
"Great!" I said.
At this point, Lucy brought in a basket filled with toys and said, "I brought those toys you asked for, Riley."
"OK," she said, "Let me just change Mom's security pass and we can play."
I waited for her to file her paper work and started mentally running through a list of possible law schools that might have an early admissions policy.
Labels: Red Tape Riley, Riley
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The Blog Card!
Ok, so here it is! The Card! It arrived safely in my hands a couple of days ago (ahem...weeks...ahem) and I'm pleased to have an opportunity to review it and add to it. Dale kindly offered me his photos so I wouldn't have to wear my fingers to the bone copying and pasting. But that still proved too labor intensive at this point. So, I filmed the card. Enjoy the virtual tour (with bonus ambient work noise)! And please visit the lovely contributors listed below.
Thank you so much for deeming me worthy, Dale! I plan to take your suggestion and forward it to another worthy one...Barbara at Bad Tempered Zombie!
Miss Alex
Sans Pantaloons
Skyler's Dad
By the way, there are rules for this kind of thing and here they are:
Official rules & regulations:
• When You Get "The Card"post a photograph/scan of it's arrival & contents
• Ask readers to leave a comment if they want the card next
• Pick the blogger who is worthy...Dale asked me to send it to Barbara at Bad Tempered Zombie, so I shall!
• THEN add your name / url plus a nice message or creative addition to the card
• Include a copy of the official rules with the card• Send it on it's way to the next worthy recipient•
Send it out fast..- no putting it on the mantle an admiring it for 3 weeks...(Sorry!)
• Can a blogger who has already received the card - be sent the card again? - Yes!
• What if there is no room left on the card? -ADD A NEW PAGE - IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!~
Labels: Metablogging
Thursday, March 05, 2009
You Guys Are Clever With Words, Right?
How about coming up with a billboard slogan for Rush Limbaugh? The Democratic Party invited me to submit a slogan for a billboard that will appear in RL's home town that will basically tell him to shut the hell up. It's fun and you could win a t-shirt or something!
Monday, March 02, 2009
Where have I been?
Life is whizzing by, that's for sure. I'm busy at work. I'm busy at home. I really need to get myself organized. So I have more time to check in with you guys. Here are some of the highlights until I have more time (and I'm done playing Dress Shop Hop):
- Doc and I had a date night this weekend
- I locked him out of the house (accidentally) in the cold for 25 minutes last night
- I've got a piece of glass lodged in my foot that I haven't had time to see to
- I've had my windshield replaced
- I've done my taxes and received the refund already
- I've paid for the Lucy's school for the rest of the year (yippee!!!)
Things are tripping along merrily. I plan on posting an extra special post about the globe-trotting blog card that's currently in my possession.
I hope you are well's really been too long since we've had a chance to chat...
Labels: A Day In The Life Of Flannery