I was on the phone with
Matt, our friend from the country.
"You guys weren't here, but it happened anyway," he said, in mock-martyred tones.
"What happened?" I said.
"It's a girl!" he said.
"What?!? Oh, my God, congratulations!" I squealed, thinking, when the hell did he get married? Why didn't we know? Who is having his baby?
"I'll be right down," I said, looking at the clock. It was 9:00 a.m. I could drive down there, visit for a bit, see the baby, then return home in time to meet Riley's bus at 3:30. So, I drove through the country and arrived in the valley. I pulled into his driveway, but it wasn't his driveway, it was the driveway to a farmhouse. He walked out with his arms outstretched like Jesus or Bono. I ran up to him and gave him a bear hug that he returned. The skin at his collar bone was starting to look old, I noticed.
"Come on in," he said. I followed him into the house, which was his house, or rather his parent's house.
"We have two guest rooms now," he said, indicating his old bedroom as one of them. I cocked my head to the side and looked at him, quizzically. His parents stepped into the room.
"Yeah, I finished working on the little house (a nearly 10-year project) and they decided to move in there and let me and Connie live here with the baby," he explained.
"Wow," I said, amazed at how things worked out.
We headed downstairs, not his downstairs, but my sister-in-law's downstairs, and I looked into the living room and saw Matt's parents and the back of Connie's head. She was blonde. Matt picked up the infant and handed her to me. The cape of tension I was wearing slinked off my back. She was pink and lovely. Sleeping.
"Oh, Matt," I said through tears, "She's beautiful."
"Yeah, I know," he said in that swaggering way he has. Pride and love were pouring out of him.
I looked at the clock in the kitchen and saw it was 3:00 p.m. I would never make it back in time to meet the bus. Well, Doc would be there, I thought. When I looked toward the coffee pot, there was Doc, pouring a cup.
"Oh, hello!" I said. "I didn't know you were here!"
Doc smiled and handed Matt the cup of coffee. While Matt stirred his coffee, he told us that he was studying to get his license in somthing or other, indicating that it would help him get ahead. He went on to describe who was doing what lately in the valley. Everything was so different; everyone had changed. It's funny how life goes on in a place after you leave.
I told Matt I'd better be getting back, mentally preparing a list of phone calls I would need to make.
"You can leave, but walk with me to the reception," he said to both of us. We exited the farmhouse into the night. There were stars scattered thickly across the sky, as they always are in the valley. I looked to the southwest and pointed.
"There's the Big Dipper," I said. This is probably one of three constellations I can recognize in the night sky.
Doc and Matt looked up with me. We watched as each star in the Big Dipper simultaneously burst into red flames and began to fall to the earth and it began to gently hail. Quarter inch balls of ice fell on us as we raced to the reception hall, laughing.
It looked like a Holiday Inn from the early 90's. It wasn't new, but it was still in good shape. There were many old ladies there. I don't know what the reception was for, but it felt like a wedding reception. Matt and I made our way down a long hallway. I was lingering. I knew I had to leave, but I didn't want to. Finally, I gave him a hug and said, "Congratulations, Matt; You make beautiful babies."
He laughed and said, "Yeah, what am I studying for? I should put myself out to stud." He then popped his colar and strutted a bit. I laughed too and reached for the steel handle across the glass door. I saw my car in the distance and then I woke up.
Edited to add the interpretation:Here's the interpretation using the
Dream Moods Dream Dictionary:
BabyTo see a baby in your dream, signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies may symbolize something in your own inner nature which is pure, vulnerable, and/or uncorrupted.
JesusTo see Jesus in your dream, foretells that your greatest desires and goals will be realized. This dream serves to console and strengthen you in your times of adversity, hardship and struggle. You will rise above any situation and circumstance and become victorious. To dream that Jesus speaks to you or that you are praying with Him, signifies that you will be blessed with true peace of mind, joy and contentment.
Coffee PotTo see a coffee pot in your dream, signifies hospitality and sharing of knowledge, hopes, concerns and/or ideas. It may also represent neighborliness, comfort, and companionship. ReceptionTo dream that you are attending a reception, signifies many pleasant engagements and social gatherings.
ConstellationTo see a constellation in your dream, indicates that something in your life is coming together in a complex way. It represents a mental process. Consider what the constellation is depicting.
I think the Big Dipper represents the kind of disappointing and unethical practices I've been a witness to recently. I think that the fact that it blows up and falls to the earth signifies that that kind of thing will no longer be hanging over my head. HailTo dream that you are caught in a hail storm, suggests that you are emotionally withdrawn. Some situation beyond your control is causing you to shut down emotionally.
This is exactly what happened to me while under the Big Dipper so to speak.HuggingTo dream that you are hugging someone, symbolizes your loving and caring nature. You are holding someone or something close to your heart. Alternatively, it may indicate your need to be more affectionate.
Overall, a pretty awesome dream. This interpretation explains why I feel so good right now.
Labels: Twas A Dream I've Had