Invincible? I Recommend It...

Labels: Music
Dear Friends,
As I sit here drinking my Christmas Diet Coke, I'm thinking about all of you lovely people. I'm looking forward to a couple of busy days and I'm not sure I'll get the chance to write much until later. But I wanted to capture a few things and lay them out here.
First and foremost, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. I hope all the hard work and stress pays off. Even if you don't celebrate Chistmas, I hope you have a lovely day off. I wish for you a Christmas Miracle. Perhaps you find your keys without turning the house upside down. Maybe a dashing young man or a brave lady will save your life. No matter what the size and scope of the miracle, recognize it and honor it by declaring out loud to yourself or your family: I've found my keys! It's a Christmas Miracle!
Secondly, I invite you to listen to this song and think about all those people who can't be with you today. Remember the good times you've had with them. Give them a call, if you can, and raise a glass in their name.
XOXOXLabels: Christmas
What's in your draft pile?
Labels: Metablogging
Reasons I'm An Ass...
Here is evidence of assiness that is entirely my own:
Others? Please add them to the comments...
And now, my girl, Dirty Tagged me with some Alphabet Soup:
A-Available or single? Neither
B-Best Friend? I have more than one! Don't make me choose!
C-Cake or pie? Cake
D-Drink of choice? Diet Coke or Riesling
E-Essential item I use every day...Computer
F-Favorite color? Blue
G-Gummy Bears or Gummy worms? Gummy Bears
H-Hometown? Canton, Ohio.
I-Indulgence...Golden Crisp Potato Chips.
J-January or February? January
K-Kids and names: Riley & Lucy
L-Life is incomplete without? I don't know...this question makes no sense. I suppose it's incomplete if you die before you do everything you want to. One thing I want to do before I die? See a live drag show.
M-Marriage date...October 25, 1997
N-Number of siblings...NONE!
O-Oranges or apples? Apples
P-Phobias or fears? Heights
Q-Favorite quote? "Be advised, I'm mean nasty and tired. I eat concertina wire and piss napalm and I could put a round through a flea's ass at 300 meters. So why don't you hump somebody else's leg, mutt-face, before I push yours in." Clint Eastwood in Heartbreak Ridge, a highly underrated film.
R-Reasons to smile...1. to offer a friendly visage to a stranger, 2. your kid says something sweet/cute/wonderful, 3. someone's taking a picture, 4. you just won the lottery, 5. to cover up for something
S-Season? Autumn.
T-Tag 3 or 4 people...Elizabeth, Genn6, Echo
U-Unknown fact about me...I love the movie Bring It On.
V-Vegetable you don't like...Green Beans.
W-Worst habit...procrastination.
Y-Your favorite food? Chiptole Tacos.
Z-Zodiac? Gemini
Labels: Tag
Labels: It's Mel Gibson's Fault
I present this vintage post to prove my worth as a GEW for Gesus...
Big Orange said...
I like the adjective "nostril load". That's just delightful! did you borrow it or didja' make it up yo'self?
7:57 AM
Flannery Alden said...
I came up with the noun "nostril-load" all by myself (I'm sure my Mom will be so proud).
9:27 AM
Comment deleted
This post has been removed by the blog administrator.
2:28 PM
Big Orange said...
also, is it "donuts" or "doughnuts"?? Also (putting on pedantic hat now), isn't "nostril-load" in the sentence "a nostril-load of jelly" an adjective describing "jelly"?? You can have a nostril load as a noun, but doesn't it function as an adj in this context?(keepin a death grip on them Pedantry Points)(had to delete last comment for a grammar error!! for shame, for shame!!)
2:30 PM
Flannery Alden said...
::deep breath::Prepare yourself for the sword of grammar!
If you look at the sentence, you will see the phrase that concerns us: "...putting a nostril-load of jelly..." The phrase itself is a noun, or rather, the object of the preposition "by". Nostril-load is the object of the gerund "putting". It is a noun. A nostril-load is a thing. "Of jelly" is an adjectival phrase modifying the noun nostril-load. So, actually "of jelly" is the adjective here, a postmodifier to the noun nostril-load. Actually, nostril is being used as an adjective in this case because it describes size of the load, but since I combined nostril with load, I created a noun or more specifically a compound. I'll take my pedant point now, please, to go.
3:36 PM
Flannery Alden said...
And donut is a variant of doughnut. Both spellings are acceptable.
3:40 PM
Big Orange said...
Hey! Watch where you point that thing! The SoG is SHARP!::sorts thru pedantry point box for some of the less shiny ones::here ya' go...
1:09 PM
Tonight! We sail, Ho's!
Labels: Sword of Grammar
Elliott Yamin, American Idol Finalist
I had just arrived in Atlantic City for a sales conference. I was travelling on a charter bus with a large group of people, including my neighbors Wally and Ms. Snap and their children. We got off the bus downtown and I was so psyched to be there, I handed my bags over to Wally and asked them to check me in while I checked out the city.
As I was walking down the street, I ran into Elliott Yamin and we just hit it off. He really wanted to show me the sights, so we made our way to the first casino we saw. I followed Elliott as he walked toward the door (he was wearing his hoodie, I noticed), I started to sing to myself, "Well, they blew up the chicken man in Philly last night..."
Elliott led me into a small cabaret dance hall. It was pretty shabby. The room was about 50 feet long and about 20 feet deep. There were four rows of about 20 seats. The stage was bare but brightly lit. Once we sat down, the show started. The first show, Lady Spider, started with about twenty dancers all in one caterpillar costume. Each dancer provided a pair of legs to the worm and they writhed around the stage. Eventually, there were cheapo pyrotechnics and the caterpiller disappeared and the Lady spider appeared and began to sing a punk/torch song.
As the next act was coming on, Elliott and I decided to leave. As we exited the casino, I remembered I had a $27 poker chip my Dad had given me. It was left over from his trip to Las Vegas and it was from the Banyan casino. The chip was green with a white paint in the middle. There was a abstract banyan tree, similar to the logo from the Palms Casino, and the number 27 underneath it.
Before we got to the Banyan, Elliott wanted to stop by his place first. He lived in a narrow basement apartment with two crack whores. He settled in to have some crack himself. He offered me some and told him no way. He started extolling the virtues of crack and I got disgusted and left.
Labels: Advice, Ms. Crankypanties
Labels: It's Mel Gibson's Fault, The World
I pinched this quiz from Big Orange...
You're Siddhartha!
by Hermann Hesse
You simply don't know what to believe, but you're willing to try
anything once. Western values, Eastern values, hedonism and minimalism, you've spent
some time in every camp. But you still don't have any idea what camp you belong in.
This makes you an individualist of the highest order, but also really lonely. It's
time to chill out under a tree. And realize that at least you believe in
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
Edited to add: this is more me!
You're Loosely Based!
by Storey Clayton
While most people haven't heard of you, you're a really good and
interesting person. Rather clever and witty, you crack a lot of jokes about the world
around you. You do have a serious side, however, where your interest covers the homeless
and the inequalities of society. You're good at bringing people together, but they keep
asking you what your name means.
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
Labels: Quiz Farm
We have nine days until Christmas and we are ready...mostly.
We decorated it last weekend and it no longer looks like the picture above. Lucy removed most of the bulbs she could reach.
Angels we have heard on high...
Riley picked out the tree topper.
This is how we celebrate our freedom at our house...
Labels: Tag
Labels: Food
Labels: It's Mel Gibson's Fault, Movies, Ms. Crankypanties, The World
I've added Johnny Yen to the links list! I am inspired by his ability to say highly witty and highly inappropriate things at the same time and at the right moment.
Science, Wisdom, Knowledge, Education.
The High Priestess is the card of knowledge, instinctual, supernatural, secret knowledge. She holds scrolls of arcane information that she might, or might not reveal to you. The moon crown on her head as well as the crescent by her foot indicates her willingness to illuminate what you otherwise might not see, reveal the secrets you need to know. The High Priestess is also associated with the moon however and can also indicate change or fluxuation, particularily when it comes to your moods.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Labels: Metablogging
Labels: Confusion
Labels: Duality of Flannery
Labels: It's Mel Gibson's Fault, Movies, Ms. Crankypanties
Labels: Movies, Ms. Crankypanties
Labels: Metablogging
Labels: Metablogging
Sheesh. I'm a huge faker.
I tag Elizabeth. I owe her one for being such a good sport and not kickin my ass over the seance thing.
Labels: Tag
Labels: Health And Beauty Tips
Thanks to Frank; I'm it!
Popcorn or Candy? Popcorn, of course.
Name a movie you've been meaning to see forever. Maltese Falcon
Steal one costume from a movie for your wardrobe. The dress Bette Davis is wearing in this picture from All About Eve:
Your favorite film franchise is: Harry Potter
Invite five movie people over for dinner. Who are they? Why'd you invite them? What do you feed them?
It will be a summer evening and we will have Asian Barbeque Chicken, Caesar Salad, and blackberry sherbet for desert. And booze, lots and lots of booze (except for Lindsay, she's trying to dry out).
What is the appropriate punishment for people who answer cell phones in the movie theater?
Choose a female bodyguard: Angelina Jolie
What's the scariest thing you've ever seen in a movie? The scene at the end of Silence of the Lambs when Jodie Foster is walking around the killer's house in the dark. Freaked my shit out.
Your favorite genre (excluding "comedy" and "drama"): Drag Queen movies.
You are given the power to green-light movies at a major studio for one year. How do you wield this power? No focus group screenings. I think the results would be fascinating.
Bonnie or Clyde? Neither, thank you.
This quiz was made for you, Doc; you're it!
Labels: Ms. Crankypanties
I've gotten so used to writing everyday that now I can't stop. I don't really have much to say this morning, but I'm compelled to type none the less. I do have this to report, though: My novel is up to 28 pages. So, I've got that going for me.
Thanks, Nablopomo, for forcing me to write, when I have nothing to say.
Labels: Metablogging, My Novel
Labels: Ms. Crankypanties
Dear Big Orange,
Labels: Big Orange, Metablogging, Ms. Crankypanties, Sword of Grammar
But the best part of this season is Yul. He is supersmart, kind of dorky and knows how the hell to influence people. He is a master at lining people up and pointing them in a direction that they all believe they will benefit from. He knows that, in order to be successful in this game, you need to align with people whose behavior is predictable and upon whom he can rely not to get a wild hair up the ass and do something crazy. He also checks and rechecks his strategy and makes adjustments on the run. His spectacular gameplay has been a joy to watch.
God, I love this show!