Can You Guss What Ky Is Brokn?

Labels: It's Mel Gibson's Fault, Metablogging, writing
Labels: It's Mel Gibson's Fault, Metablogging, writing
Labels: A Day In The Life Of Flannery, Drunken Post Master, Health And Beauty Tips, It's Mel Gibson's Fault, Workplace
Or how he was a big jerk...
Or perhaps he can thumb through it to find ideas for less ill-advised gifts...
Labels: Books, Jessica Simpson, Shut It Mayer, Words
Is it a result of prayer? Or is this the doing of a trickster leprechaun? What do you think?
Incidentally, He has caused over 100 different people to visit my blog daily, so I now LOVE him and have completely forgiven him for singing "Waiting on the World to Change."
Labels: American Idol, Music, Religion, Sanjaya Malakar
Still no horse penis, Grant Miller.
Labels: Grant Miller, Looking For Whimsy In All The Wrong Places
Labels: John Tesh, Metablogging
I think those five things would be enough to make a staff hate me. I would be sure to release these evil quirks evenly by making sure that no one person took the brunt of all of them. I'll spread it around. They will hate me for these behaviors, but not enough to actually leave their post. Plus, they will work like a well-oiled machine, having built so much trust with each other through shared hatred.
Hmmm...Building trust through shared hatred. It's quite a team motto, don't you think?
What are your evil leadership quirks?
Labels: Self Improvement Goals, Workplace
Labels: Car Conversations, Music, Nickelback, Riley
Labels: A Day In The Life Of Flannery, Workplace
Labels: Fame, Genn6, Justin Timberlake, Music, Nostalgia, The World
Make of them what you will...
Labels: Grant Miller, Looking For Whimsy In All The Wrong Places, Metablogging
Good to see you, old friend.
Labels: A Day In The Life Of Flannery
You knew it wouldn't be long unil all of the bacon buzz we've generated would influence the culture of mixology...
Labels: Bacon, Drunken Post Master, Food
Labels: A Day In The Life Of Flannery, Drunken Post Master, Riley
I announced last week that Friday is my night to drink. I submit this photo as Exhibit A, proof of inebriation:
Labels: A Day In The Life Of Flannery, Drunken Post Master, Pictures
Labels: A Day In The Life Of Flannery, Music
This one is dedicated to Big Orange, who will belt out a big, sardonic gaffaw when he reads this turd nugget:
Labels: Advice, Big Orange, Food
Labels: Looking For Whimsy In All The Wrong Places, Metablogging
I made up this meme ages ago. I thought some of my new cyber-pals might want to have a go at it.
Batman. A dark side, dimples, rich, confident and a great car. What more could a girl want?
2. Sammy Hagar or David Lee Roth?
Sammy Hagar. David Lee Roth is a farce on two legs.
Jung. I'm still not over Freud's accusation that women have penis envy. Indeed. I've seen enough America's Funniest Home Videos to be glad I'm a girl. I like Jungs ideas of a collective unconscious and the power and importance of dreams. Also, Jung? Way cuter.
4. The Stones or The Who?
Hmmm....death is not an option. Sigh. I'd take death on this one. One is as irritating as the other. As much as I hate one, I hate the other. Shit. I guess I'll say The Who, though it kills me.
5. Rita Skeeter or Bridget Jones?
Rita Skeeter: she's much more diabolical. I like diabolical in my fictional journalists.
6. Peanut Butter or Baked Beans?
Peanut butter.
Another difficult choice. Both are passionate, cynical, antiestablishment types. Both are healers. I'd say Hawkeye, but somewhere down deep, my cred meter tells me to go with Dr. Cox. Especially since Hawkeye would be so old now...
8. Rick Blaine or Victor Laszlo?
Captain Renault, of course. This is a trick question.
9. Cats or Dogs?
Cats. I can't abide all the slobber.
10. Bluegrass or Honkey-Tonk?
Bluegrass, the holier side of country.
11. Tatoos or Ties?
Ties. Don't ask.
12. Buster Keaton or Charlie Chaplin?
Buster Keaton. Charlie Chaplin gives me the creeps.
13. Word or Excel?
Excel. Being a writer, I know that sounds like a crazy choice, but Excel can do so many cool tricks; it's like magic!
Riker, most certainly. They are both space whores, but Riker at least has a moral code that doesn't include his own glorification.
15. Janice Dickensen or Paula Abdul?
Tough, tough choice. Paula Abdul.
16. Dianetics or Objectivisim?
Dianetics: I'd like to have access to those kinds of benefits enjoyed by Tom Cruise and John Travolta.
18. Rivers or Oceans?
19. Toe-tappin' or Knee-slappin'?
20. Wallpaper or paint?
Wallpaper. It's old-fashioned and pretty. Besides, I'd rather hang wallpaper than paint. Less mess.
As Death tags us all some day, I tag all of you!
Labels: Metablogging, Tag
I went to an "in-service" today on special education policy. In-service is term that educators use to cover a variety of sins: meetings, training, lectures, workshops, grab-ass. This one was in a cracker barrel format, which means there were four tables and four speakers. After twenty minutes the speakers rotated to different tables. So, instead of all of us listening together to each speaker (and playing with our Treo's or whatnot), we had "intimate" conversations with people from such exciting places as the Department of Education. Don't get me wrong, I love DOE people. They are very sincere and they are always looking for suggestions. At least in our state, they are not your typical bureaucrats.
However, as much as I love these people, I must say they can sling the hash when they want to. I sat in on one twenty minute conversation on what's coming down the legal pike regarding special eduation policy and law and, I swear to you, they were speaking English. However, I only understood maybe 10% of the content of the conversation. At one point I stopped listening for understanding and just basked in what it felt like to listen to English as if it were a foriegn language. I got to hear the cadence and the tones, completely devoid of meaning. I could tell by reading his body language that the speaker was desperate to get a point across. What that point was, I have no idea; it was drowned in jargon and acronyms.
If you ever get the opportunity, I highly recommend sitting in on a meeting of special education professionals and hear your language as foreigners do. Then pretend, for a moment, you are a parent of a special needs child. I'll bet you'd be scared to death and mad as hell.
Labels: A Day In The Life Of Flannery, Words, Workplace
Labels: Health And Beauty Tips, Lucy, Pictures
I've become addicted, so I must add WP to my links. Enjoy!
Labels: Metablogging, Writer Procrastinator
Friday night is my night to drink. I've decided this after a successful carouse two Friday's ago (or was it last week?). I laughed like crazy with my friends, I ventured to get into an argument about poverty and racism with my racist friend and stood my ground quite nicely, thank you very much. I eventually felt sorry for him and changed the subject to Tyra Banks' arm vagina. We then dragged out the Singstar game for the play station and put on quite a show.
I hit my stride while singing "Wind of Change" by the Scorpions with my pal Elizabeth. Despite the fact that the words make very little sense and some of them are in Russian (!), we did very well. I think the song has to do with the iron curtain falling or the Berlin Wall falling. I know I was falling on my knees during this song in true Fantasia style while I belted my part. I think I even grabbed my crotch at one point.
So tip your glass to Friday and find yourself an anthem to crow. Just don't touch anything by John Mayer or I will never speak to you again.
Labels: Rock Star Moments, Shut It Mayer
Thanks to Amy for the neat visual Imagini. Check out my visual DNA and see what yours looks like. If you want too...
Labels: Amy, Metablogging
Labels: American Idol, Music, Shut It Mayer, TV
What's on your shuffle?
Labels: Frank Sirmarco, Metablogging, Music
Labels: Metablogging, Ms. Crankypanties
Labels: It's Mel Gibson's Fault, Movies
Labels: Grant Miller, Looking For Whimsy In All The Wrong Places, Metablogging
What are your truths?
Labels: Books, Mind Over Money
Our pal Chris seems overwraught by the fact that no one from Russia has ever stopped by his site, so I'd like to help him find some topics that Russian people would find entertaining or engaging. Since I have had at least one person from Russia who may have stumbled here accidently, I believe that makes me an authority on Russian people's taste. Let's see what some of them think, shall we*?
Perhaps there's a conspiricay theory about artifical attempts to spread racism in Russia. I bet if Chris wrote about it, Russians would read his stuff.
AmericansLabels: Metablogging, The World